Items filtered by date: December 2022

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 00:00

Diabetes and the Feet

Diabetes is a disease that can affect the entire body. It occurs as a result of elevated glucose levels in the blood and can happen from the foods that are eaten. Insulin is a natural hormone that helps glucose get into the cells, and inadequate amounts of insulin can cause glucose to build up in the blood, resulting in high blood sugar levels. Neuropathy, a common side effect of diabetes, is a nerve condition that causes the inability to feel existing cuts and scrapes on the feet. If left untreated, an infection may develop, which may lead to serious complications. This is extremely dangerous, and it is crucial for diabetic patients to practice correct foot care. This can begin with washing the feet, followed by examining the soles by using a mirror, or with the help of a family member or caregiver. Additionally, it is beneficial to wear shoes and socks that fit correctly. Circulation may be improved by performing gentle stretches. If you have diabetes, it is strongly urged that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can properly help you to manage this condition.

Diabetic foot care is important in preventing foot ailments such as ulcers. If you are suffering from diabetes or have any other concerns about your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Podiatry Care Specialists. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes affects millions of people every year. The condition can damage blood vessels in many parts of the body, especially the feet. Because of this, taking care of your feet is essential if you have diabetes, and having a podiatrist help monitor your foot health is highly recommended.

The Importance of Caring for Your Feet

  • Routinely inspect your feet for bruises or sores.
  • Wear socks that fit your feet comfortably.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that provide adequate support.

Patients with diabetes should have their doctor monitor their blood levels, as blood sugar levels play such a huge role in diabetic care. Monitoring these levels on a regular basis is highly advised.

It is always best to inform your healthcare professional of any concerns you may have regarding your feet, especially for diabetic patients. Early treatment and routine foot examinations are keys to maintaining proper health, especially because severe complications can arise if proper treatment is not applied.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in West Chester, and Broomall, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Diabetic Foot Care

It is common for people who are 50 years of age or older to experience arthritis. It can affect any joint in the body, and the feet are a common area for this to occur. It can become difficult to walk with arthritic joints in the feet, and there are methods that can be implemented that can help to prevent arthritis. Having a regular exercise routine is important in keeping the joints limber. This can be a result of the muscles surrounding the joints becoming stronger, which may help to take extra pressure off of the joints. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight can take the burden off of the feet, possibly reducing inflammation and discomfort. Research has shown that it is beneficial to drink plenty of water daily, which may help the body to naturally stop drawing water from the cartilage. This can ultimately cause the joints to lose lubrication. If you are afflicted with arthritis in your feet, please ask a podiatrist about effective relief and prevention methods.

Arthritis can be a difficult condition to live with. If you are seeking treatment, contact one of our podiatrists from Podiatry Care Specialists. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Arthritic Foot Care  

Arthritis is a term that is commonly used to describe joint pain.  The condition itself can occur to anyone of any age, race, or gender, and there are over 100 types of it.  Nevertheless, arthritis is more commonly found in women compared to men, and it is also more prevalent in those who are overweight. The causes of arthritis vary depending on which type of arthritis you have. Osteoarthritis for example, is often caused by injury, while rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a misdirected immune system.


  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Decreased Range of Motion

Arthritic symptoms range in severity, and they may come and go. Some symptoms stay the same for several years but could potentially get worse with time. Severe cases of arthritis can prevent its sufferers from performing daily activities and make walking difficult.

Risk Factors

  • Occupation – Occupations requiring repetitive knee movements have been linked to osteoarthritis
  • Obesity – Excess weight can contribute to osteoarthritis development
  • Infection – Microbial agents can infect the joints and trigger arthritis
  • Joint Injuries – Damage to joints may lead to osteoarthritis
  • Age – Risk increases with age
  • Gender –Most types are more common in women
  • Genetics – Arthritis can be hereditary

If you suspect your arthritis is affecting your feet, it is crucial that you see a podiatrist immediately. Your doctor will be able to address your specific case and help you decide which treatment method is best for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in West Chester, and Broomall, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Care for Your Arthritic Foot
Tuesday, 13 December 2022 00:00

Stretching and Beneficial Foot Exercises

The feet are critical parts of the human body that require a lot of important attention and care to keep them functioning well. One important way in which individuals can keep their feet healthy and strong is to practice regular exercises and foot stretches. Different exercises can be performed for different purposes. For example, one might perform toe stretches to target and strengthen the toes. This can be performed by facing a wall and keeping the balls of the feet on the floor while letting the toes run up the wall. During this stretch, one might even be able to slightly bend the knees, deepening the stretch. This practice will effectively strengthen the toes. Of course, there are a variety of different exercises that can improve other parts of the feet. For example, an individual can perform calf stretches to improve flexibility and mobility. If you think that you might benefit from practicing foot exercises, contact a podiatrist today for specific foot stretches.

Stretching the feet is a great way to prevent injuries. If you have any concerns with your feet consult with one of our podiatrists from Podiatry Care Specialists. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Stretching the Feet

Being the backbone of the body, the feet carry your entire weight and can easily become overexerted, causing cramps and pain. As with any body part, stretching your feet can serve many benefits. From increasing flexibility to even providing some pain relief, be sure to give your feet a stretch from time to time. This is especially important for athletes or anyone performing aerobic exercises, but anyone experiencing foot pain or is on their feet constantly should also engage in this practice.

Great ways to stretch your feet:

  • Crossing one leg over the others and carefully pull your toes back. Do 10-20 repetitions and repeat the process for each foot
  • Face a wall with your arms out and hands flat against the wall. Step back with one foot and keep it flat on the floor while moving the other leg forward. Lean towards the wall until you feel a stretch. Hold for 30 seconds and perform 10 repetitions for each foot
  • Be sure not to overextend or push your limbs too hard or you could risk pulling or straining your muscle

Individuals who tend to their feet by regular stretching every day should be able to minimize foot pain and prevent new problems from arising.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in West Chester, and Broomall, PA . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about How to Stretch Your Feet
Monday, 12 December 2022 00:00

Do Your Child's Feet Hurt?

Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.

Tuesday, 06 December 2022 00:00

Causes and Risk Factors of Heel Spurs

A heel spur is a bony growth on the calcaneus, or heel bone, that often extends into the arch of the foot. Though this can become painful, many people have heel spurs and are unaware of them. Heel spurs are often associated with plantar fasciitis, which is the inflammation of the band of tissue that connects the heel to the ball of the foot. Heel spurs, which are calcium deposits, develop over a period of time. They can be the result of continual stretching of the plantar fascia or repeated tearing of the membrane that covers the heel bone. Heel spurs are especially common among runners and other athletes who do a lot of jumping. Other risk factors are running on hard surfaces, footwear that does not provide proper heel cushioning or arch support, and excess weight or obesity. In addition, people who spend a great part of the day on their feet may be more likely to develop heel spurs. Seniors, people with diabetes, and anyone with arch problems also may be more at risk. If heel spurs are causing pain and interfering with your daily activities, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist for an exam and treatment options.  

Heel spurs can be incredibly painful and sometimes may make you unable to participate in physical activities. To get medical care for your heel spurs, contact one of our podiatrists from Podiatry Care Specialists. Our doctors will do everything possible to treat your condition.

Heels Spurs

Heel spurs are formed by calcium deposits on the back of the foot where the heel is. This can also be caused by small fragments of bone breaking off one section of the foot, attaching onto the back of the foot. Heel spurs can also be bone growth on the back of the foot and may grow in the direction of the arch of the foot.

Older individuals usually suffer from heel spurs and pain sometimes intensifies with age. One of the main condition's spurs are related to is plantar fasciitis.


The pain associated with spurs is often because of weight placed on the feet. When someone is walking, their entire weight is concentrated on the feet. Bone spurs then have the tendency to affect other bones and tissues around the foot. As the pain continues, the feet will become tender and sensitive over time.


There are many ways to treat heel spurs. If one is suffering from heel spurs in conjunction with pain, there are several methods for healing. Medication, surgery, and herbal care are some options.

If you have any questions feel free to contact our offices located in West Chester, and Broomall, PA . We offer the latest in diagnostic and treatment technology to meet your needs.

Read more about Heel Spurs

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